Our Aims
To enable pupils to make good progress in relation to their prior attainment and to achieve the highest possible standards in all areas of the curriculum.
To provide the pupils with teaching of high quality that has clear aims, uses effective methods and suitable resources, and which is matched to their differing needs.
• To provide the pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum which stimulates their interest in a wide range of intellectual, cultural, aesthetic, physical and environment issues.
• To enable the pupils to self evaluate, to take pride in their work and to strive towards high achievement.
• To enable pupils to be confident and self-motivated.
• To enable pupils to develop their cognitive skills and an investigative approach to learning.
To provide clear leadership and effective management which takes the school forward.
• To plan realistically and make effective use of the school’s resources in order to achieve the best possible learning outcomes.
• To provide a lively, stimulating and well-organised learning environment in which staff work co-operatively towards the school’s aims.
To create a happy, secure and stimulating atmosphere in which each child can develop positive and co-operative relationships, tolerance, understanding and respect for all people.
• To involve parents in school life to ensure that all aspects of pupils’ progress are fully shared and supported.
• To involve the school in the wider community.
Balfour Infant School, Pattens Lane, Rochester, Kent ME1 2QT
For all general enquiries please contact the School Office
Our Interim Headteacher is Mr J Pomeroy
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr J Pomeroy
For all enquiries relating to SEND please contact our LINC Mrs M Forbes
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr J Pomeroy
Tel: 01634 338280