Balfour Infant School

Our Curriculum


Our Curriculum Vision

At Balfour Infant School we seek the highest standards for all our children.  We value the breadth of the curriculum that we provide. We aim to foster creativity in our children, and help them become independent learners. Above all we believe in exciting and innovative learning which makes learning an adventure!


Our school curriculum is underpinned by our school values. These are the main values of our school, upon which we have based our curriculum:


  • We value children’s uniqueness, we listen to the views of individual children, and we promote respect for diverse cultures.
  • We value the spiritual and moral development of each person, as well as intellectual and physical growth.
  • We value the importance of each person in our community, and we organise our curriculum to promote inclusion, cooperation and understanding among all members of our community.
  • We actively promote British Values through ensuring that children learn about democracy, the rule of law and the importance of support and respect of liberties for all within the law.
  • We value the rights enjoyed by each person in our society. We respect each child in our school for who they are, and we treat them with fairness and honesty. We want to enable each person to be successful, and we provide equal opportunities for all our pupils.
  • We will strive to meet the needs of all our children.
  • We value our environment, and we want to teach our pupils, through our curriculum, how we should take care of the world, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.


Our Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is designed to give children a secure foundation in all subject areas. At Balfour Infant School we believe in developing the skills and talents of all pupils. We know that all children learn and develop differently and at different rates and our curriculum reflects this.


Mission Statement

At Balfour Infant School our aim is to value each pupil as an individual and to ensure that he or she develops his or her own personal talents, skills and potential to their fullest possible potential in all areas of the curriculum.


At Balfour Infant School we aim to provide a curriculum which is:

  • Comprehensive and ambitious for all learners
  • Designed to give all learners the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life
  • Supportive of the wholistic development of children including their social and emotional development as well as their academic and vocational goals
  • Coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment
  • Promote a positive attitude towards learning, so that children enjoy coming to school, and acquire a solid basis for lifelong learning
  • Encourages children to become independent, creative and innovative learners
  • Teaches children to read, write and count so they can access the wider curriculum with ease
  • Enables children to be creative and to develop their own thinking
  • Teaches children about the developing world, including how their environment and society have changed over time
  • Helps children understand Britain's cultural heritage
  • Appreciates and value the contribution made by all ethnic groups in our multi-cultural society
  • Enables children to be positive citizens
  • Fulfils all the requirements of the National Curriculum for EYFS and Key Stage One as well as the Medway Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
  • Teaches children to have an awareness of their own spiritual development, and to distinguish right from wrong
  • Helps children understand the importance of truth and fairness, so that they grow up committed to equal opportunities for all
  • Enables children to have respect for themselves and high self-esteem, and to live and work cooperatively with others.



Curriculum Implementation

At Balfour Infant School we ensure that our curriculum builds both knowledge and skills progressively from Reception to Year Two using large termly themes as a vehicle for this. Themes are designed to cover the curriculum in a way that appeals to the backgrounds, interests and experiences of children at Balfour Infants. Linked to our curriculum, we have theme days, visitors, workshops and trips. We believe that children learn best through direct experience and stimulus. The Key Stage One curriculum at Balfour Infant School is developed from The National Curriculum. The curriculum is structured in order to provide appropriate learning steps as children progress. Group or paired work is used to foster co-operation and teamwork but also so children can learn from each other and develop language skills.


 Our curriculum is under constant review in response to the needs of our children, developments in education and our local context. We are always looking for ways to improve and develop the learning opportunities we can offer our children.



Curriculum Impact

The impact of our curriculum can be seen in the standards we attain throughout the school. Our pupils also demonstrate the impact of our curriculum through their behaviour for learning; children are confident, independent and enthusiastic learners.

Our Curriculum Topics 2024-2025


Terms 1 and 2

Terms 3 and 4

Terms 5 and 6



Our learning adventure in our Community


Our learning adventure around our World

Our learning adventure in our Imaginations!

Year One

Our Learning Adventure in the Environment

Our Learning Adventure on the Move

Our Learning Adventure about Changes

Year Two


Our learning adventure back in Time


 Our learning adventure in the Dark

 Our learning adventure as Explorers 




Balfour Infant School, Pattens Lane, Rochester, Kent ME1 2QT
For all general enquiries please contact our Headteacher Ms D Atkinson
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms D Atkinson
For all enquiries relating to SEND please contact our LINC Mrs M Forbes
Our Data Protection Officer is Ms D Atkinson

Tel: 01634 338280