Balfour Infant School

The School Uniform

The school uniform is:


Upperbody: A white shirt or polo shirt with a School sweatshirt, royal blue sweatshirt or jumper.

Lowerbody: Grey trousers with grey socks


Upperbody: A white blouse or polo shirt with a School sweatshirt, royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan.

Lowerbody: A grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers (Blue checked dress for summer) with white socks or blue/grey tights


The wearing of school uniform is something the school wishes to strongly encourage.  School is your child’s special place and we hope to encourage him/her to feel proud to be part of Balfour Infants’.  Wearing school uniform greatly contributes to a child’s sense of belonging and pride in his/her school.  The uniform can be acquired locally from the "School Time" Website below.


Please ensure you put your child’s name is on EVERYTHING, as it is difficult for children to recognise their own unnamed clothes if they lose them.  Many children become distressed if there is confusion over their belongings.


Shoes should be sensible and low heeled.  Trainers, plastic shoes and boots are not suitable for children to wear in school all day.


For P.E. pupils require in a close fitting ‘T’ shirt and close fitting shorts.  ‘T’ shirts with wide sleeves or wide legged and/or drawstring waist shorts are unsuitable as they can catch on apparatus and cause accidents.  Your child will also need a pair of elastic fronted plimsolls for outdoor games.


Your child will need an apron for Art and Craftwork - the best type can be made from an old shirt - cut down with the neck and sleeves elasticated.

P.E. Bags:

A drawstring bag, approx. 15” x 15” will be needed to store the above items.  It is also useful to provide your child with a spare pair of pants in the plastic bag, in case of ‘accidents’

Labelling clothes and all belongings

Please ensure you put your child’s name is on EVERYTHING, as it is difficult for children to recognise their own unnamed clothes if they lose them.  Many children become distressed if there is confusion over their belongings.


Please write on the label with a laundry marker or sew name tapes into their clothes, we find that iron-on name tapes quickly become unstuck.


The Authority is not responsible for loss or theft of clothing or any other item brought into school.

Balfour Infant School, Pattens Lane, Rochester, Kent ME1 2QT
For all general enquiries please contact the School Office
Our Interim Headteacher is Mr J Pomeroy
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr J Pomeroy
For all enquiries relating to SEND please contact our LINC Mrs M Forbes
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr J Pomeroy

Tel: 01634 338280