Balfour Infant School

Help & FAQ:

Downloading / Viewing forms and files on this site:

For things to look more lively or eyecatching on this website we use certain programs. If you are unable to view or open any such files on this site try installing on your PC the 3 free programs below. (click each picture to download)

Adobe Flash Player

This program enables you to
view videos on websites.

Adobe PDF Reader

This program enables you to
view forms on websites.

Open Office

This program is a free
alternative to Microsoft Office.

* The school cannot be held responsible for any materials or links to materials outside of the schools website or any negative effects as a result of installing any recomended software onto your computer.

Incorrect Information and Misuse of this site & the Learning Platform:

If it’s a simple case of incorrect information or any requests to remove certain information from the site you can report it HERE and the changes will be made accordingly. You can also use the above link If any unsuitable material is found on this site or we are linking to such materials. If this is the case contact the web admin as soon as possible in order to remove links to or remove the offending items themselves.


Please see the information by clicking the picture below regarding E-Safety, This site can tell you what to look out for when dealing with young people and technology.

If there is anything more serious than the above 2 points that are related to our platform but outside of the schools control you can report it by clicking the picture below.

Balfour Infant School, Pattens Lane, Rochester, Kent ME1 2QT
For all general enquiries please contact the School Office
Our Interim Headteacher is Mr J Pomeroy
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr J Pomeroy
For all enquiries relating to SEND please contact our LINC Mrs M Forbes
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr J Pomeroy

Tel: 01634 338280