- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Being a Governor means that ……
- You are helping the school give the very best start to the children who come here.
- You are helping the school to develop and continue to improve.
- You are supporting the Head teacher and all of the staff at the School.
- You are helping to develop goals, strategies and plans for the future of the school.
- You are working with a group of like-minded people who want the very best for school, the children and the staff.
- You will get a unique insight into how the school runs and operates, and the challenges it faces.
- You will get a first-hand view of the practical implication of the variety of rules and legislation that the school must adhere to.
- You are offering constructive challenge to the school, via the Head Teacher, to help strive for the best outcomes.
- You are offering some of your time, your interest and your enthusiasm.
- You have people who will support you and help in any challenge you have as a governor.
Being a Governor doesn’t mean that ……
- You are individually responsible for the school in any way.
- You are left to work things out for yourself.
- You will be asked to give opinions on, or take decisions on, things that you don’t understand.
- You will be involved in decisions on the day-to-day running of the school. The Head Teacher runs the school. The Governors support the Head Teacher in both setting and achieving the strategic aims for the school.
- You have a “hot line” for personal issues relating to the school. Any such issues, whether for you or your children, should be dealt with by speaking to the Head Teacher according to the procedure and policy available to all parents and others connected to the school.
Click on the link here for information on how employers can help their employees to govern.
Balfour Infant School, Pattens Lane, Rochester, Kent ME1 2QT
For all general enquiries please contact the School Office
Our Interim Headteacher is Mr J Pomeroy
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr J Pomeroy
For all enquiries relating to SEND please contact our LINC Mrs M Forbes
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr J Pomeroy
Tel: 01634 338280