Balfour Infant School



Bikeability Competition 2024

10 children from Year 1 visited Medway Park to compete in a Bikeability Competition. They did our school proud and had so much fun!



Infant Agility Competition 2024

Some of the children who attend Infant Agility Club took part in an inter-schools competition run by Greenacre Sports Partnership. The children were a credit to our school. Well done all!




Bikeability & Infant Agility 2023


In February, 10 children from Year 1 and Year 2 went to Medway Park to participate in a Bikeability competition. Their favourite activity was the obstacle course where they had to ride over bumps and go over a seesaw! The children had a brilliant time and came 4th out of 11 schools.
In March, 10 children from Year 2 went to Greenacre school to take part in an Infant Agility Competition. They had to complete various challenges which involved running, jumping and throwing. The children had an amazing time and came 4th!





Balfour Infant School, Pattens Lane, Rochester, Kent ME1 2QT
For all general enquiries please contact the School Office
Our Interim Headteacher is Mr J Pomeroy
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr J Pomeroy
For all enquiries relating to SEND please contact our LINC Mrs M Forbes
Our Data Protection Officer is Mr J Pomeroy

Tel: 01634 338280